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[[vertical red line highlights entire entry for Feb. 9]]
revealed its limits. It made chemistry what it is and now prevents further advance
Where is the [[Michloff?]] the Bunsen who will give us, as they did with the [[Spectroscope?]], a new means for extending our observations [[strikethrough]] by n [[/strikethrough]] without the necessity of using a [[black underline]] clumsy [[/black underline]] balance etc. I have a could [[sic]] and am hoarse. Still things ran pretty well. Very cold night. Home 12 [[underlined superscript]] 35 [[/underlined superscript]] [[Mali?]] was there at meeting.
February 10. Very hoarse and sore throat Dictated biggest part of morning [[red underline]] It is below zero F!! Jones [[/red underline]] came here this morning to get acquainted with our method of distilling wood tar
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[[unknown symbol in pencil]]
for new solvents. Explained [[red underline]] him everything. Showed him also my new waterpaint made with Liquid A No.15 [[/red underline]] and a pigment. Sent him to Cortland in car after lunch. Car fetched Dr. [[red underline]] Peters [[/red underline]] and Waldberger, who came for conference
[[note in left margin]] [[unknown symbol]] $40[[underlined superscript]]00[[/underlined superscript]]
[[red underline]] Vaygouny Process [[/red underline]] Busy four hours near five. [[red underline]] My voice gave out finally [[/red underline]] 
[[vertical red line in margin highlighting remainder of entry for Feb. 10]]
Charge $40. to Royal Baking Powder Co.
After supper Celine and George and I round blazing fire, listening to phonograph. Good boy. Everybody feels happy. Nina is at Middlebrook's.
[[black underline]] Sunday [[/black underline]]. February 11. No voice. sore throat. Kept indoors all
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