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 X 146
[[symbol in margin of circle with T above it]]
day. corrected report of conference [[red underline]] Hageman Hooker - [[/red underline]] Baekeland relative to Chloride of lime in [[red underline]] sanitation book. [[/red underline]] Charge 5 [[underlined superscript]] 00 [[/underlined superscript]]
[[note in margin]] $5 [[underlined superscript]] 00 [[/underlined superscript]]
to D. & F. Co. Nap afternoon rested me much.
Feb 12. [[strikethrough]] Washington [[/strikethrough]] Lincoln's birthday. Gotthelf and the two other boys worked in lab. I spent most of day with report of [[red underline]] last Vaygouny [[/red underline]] conference relative to [[red underline]] suggested research work [[/red underline]]
[[note in margin]] R.B.P. Co $55 [[underlined superscript]] 00 [[/underlined superscript]] [[/note in margin]]
Charge. to Royal B. P. Co. $50 for 5 hours + $5 [[underlined superscript]] 00 [[/underlined superscript]] cash for typewriting for Saturday & today. Still without voice but throat is better. Celine
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X 147
tonight at Middlebrook's for supper for lecture.
Feb 13. Dictated letters and wrote description [red underline]] coil [/red underline]] impregnation 
Evening we all drove to see a play at Warburton Theatre
Feb 14. Went to N.Y. about 9 [[underlined superscript]] 30 [[/underlined superscript]] to office. 
[[note in margin]] [[strikethrough]] $5 [[underlined superscript]] 00 [[/underlined superscript]] 5 [[underlined superscript]] 00 [[/underlined superscript]] [[/note in margin]] Charge $5 [[underlined superscript]] 00 [[/underlined superscript]] to D & F. Co. for reviewing work of Hageman. then to [[red underline]] Hooker [[/red underline]] office where [[red underline]] I met then all [[/red underline]] assembled. then to Perth Amboy. [[red underline]] Varnish building [[/red underline]] in [[strikethrough]] progress [[/strikethrough]] ^[[construction]] took supper at Mouquin's. then to theatre.
Feb 15. Here until afternoon then to office. Took 5 [[underlined superscript]] 21 [[/underlined superscript]] PM train
Feb.16. Here most of day dictating contracts of Bakelite Co etc Feel tired and uninterested
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Transcription Notes:
D. & F. Co. is Development and Funding Co. in Niagara Falls was founded by Elan and Alfred Hooker, and finally became Hooker Chemical Co.