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[[in pencil]] 148 [[/in pencil]]
in my work. Evening went to New York Invited [[red underline]] Alfred William [[/red underline]] to take supper with me at University Club. Then went to theater with him "Return of Peter Grimm." [[red underline]] He tells me his system is far enough advanced [[/red underline]] for larger trial. and has been tried on Puget Sound for several miles
Feb 17. Dictated all morning 
Supper at home but then went to University Club. to hear concert of University Glee Club. Met [[Thomas?]], Doremus, and Williams 
took supper there. Home with 12[[superscript and underline]]35[[/superscript and underline]] train
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[[in pencil]] 149 [[/in pencil]]
Feb 18 (Sunday) Awakened at 8 AM Hurried dressing & packing my grip & breakfeast. Everything finished in 30 minutes 
Celine drove with me to Pennsylvania Station Mild clear frosty weather 
Train for Pittsburgh. Met Wood. electrical engineer of Pennsylvania R. R. on train. Arrived Fort Pitt Hotel 8. P.M. Early to bed
[[note in left margin]] Expenses G. B Co [[strikethrough]] train [[/strikethrough]] lunch = 1[[superscript and underline]]50[[/superscript and underline]] + Hotel Supper 1[[superscript and underline]]50[[/superscript and underline]] [[/note in margin]]
Feb 19./ Up early. Well rested. Went to see [[red underline]] Mc.Cargo & [[Craven?]] [[/red underline]] They showed me their plant of lubricating materials. Then their experimental plant for [[red underline]] new paper containers [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] coated with [[/strikethrough]] impregnated with [[strikethrough]] No. 15 [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Liquid A No.15. [[/red underline]] They 
[[note in margin]] Expense G. B. Co Breakfast 1[[superscript and underline]]00[[/superscript and underline]] Train. .50
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