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[[in pencil]] 150 [[/in pencil]]
are [[red underline]] entirely satisfied with [[/red underline]] results obtained with Bakelite. Are now only waiting one last machine which will be ready in a month. See report of my visit to G. B. Co. Lunched with them. at Hotel. Then went to East Pittsburgh to [[red underline]] Westinghouse. New paper coating machine up. [[/red underline]] Fearful odor due to defective construction. (See my letter of recommendations) Smells fearfully carbolic acid. Can easily be remedied from some very good [[red underline]] work made with bakelite. [[/red underline]] also some [[red underline]] new technical difficulties. [[/red underline]] Generally favorable however friendly spirit. Evening 
[[note in margin]] B. G. Co express. Breakfeast $0.60 [[/note]]
[[end page]]
[[begin page]]
[[in pencil]] [[male symbol]] 151 [[/in pencil]]
went to see opera: Bohemian Girl. 
Feb 20. [[red underline]] Swan [[red underline]] arrived. went together to Westinghouse. Went over details of reconstruction of machine then other suggestions. Invited to lunch with directors. Mr Davis vice-president there. Met also Mr Schmid their french manager. Very friendly spirit everywhere. Evening went to see a comedy with Swan then left with 11 [[superscript underline]] 10 [[/superscript underline]] P.M train
Feb 21. Slept poorly. Arrived at office about 9. A.M. Got news from Celine that [[red underline]] Aylworth [[/red underline]] patent was filed several months ahead of mine. [[red underline]] Orders coming in well. [[/red underline]] Interview with Voight of Royal Baking Powder Co
[[note in margin]] 1 hour = 10 [[superscript underline]] 00 R. B. Co. [[/note]

Transcription Notes:
Alyworth is Alysworth from Condensite Co.