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[[in pencil]] 152 [[/in pencil]]
afternoon went to University Club. [[strikethrough]] Met Willia [[/strikethrough]] first met [[red underline]] Hecht. [[/red underline]] 
[[note in margin]] Alfred [[red underline]] Williamson [[/red underline]] [[/note in margin]] 
Proposed to him ^[[strikethrough]] [[Glenn]] [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Williams [[/red underline]] matter. Then spoke to ^[[strikethrough]] Glenn [[/strikethrough]]Williams [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] who seems desirous of [[availing?]] himself of intervention of Hecht with Deutsche Bank. Saw remarkable moving pictures of Rainey "Hunting lions with hounds in Africa". The scene of "The Waterhole" was most remarkable, seemed like Ark of Noah! Lewis drove me home from Club.
Rain & wind storm.
Slept until 10 [[superscript, undelined]] 30 [[/superscript, underlined]] AM.
Feb. 22. Washington Birthday.
Violent wind. Dictated
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[[in pencil]] 153 [[/in pencil]]
continuously until afternoon
at 6 P.M went in very cold cyclone weather to St. Regis to meet ^[[Alfred]] [[red underline]] Williams [[/red underline]] & Hecht the latters son there. [[red underline]] Williams [[/red underline]] seems to agree on conditions namely to give limited paid option during which experiments should [[be carved?]] out at conference of Deutsche Bank then he to get [[minimum?]] of 25% interest and minimum garantee cash profits of $125.000 payable in two yearly instalments the sum to be deducted from his dues as profits.
[[red underline]] Hecht [[/red underline]] to [[strikethrough]] get [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] [[secured?]] these [[/red underline]] conditions [[red underline]] with enough to [[/red underline]] give him 10% commission ^[[!]]
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