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[[top left margin]] [[IMAGE: "T" directly over "O" [[/top left margin]]
[[in pencil]] 166 [[/in pencil]]
afternoon. ^[[Dr]] Peters and Waldenberger here for conference in regard to their research work.
[[in left margin]] [[IMAGE: "T" directly over "O"]] $30 [[underlined superscript]] 00 [[/underlined superscript]] [[/in left margin]]
Stayed till 5 P.M
charge 3 hours ($30 [[underlined superscript]] 00 [[/underlined superscript]]) to Royal Baking Powder Co
[[margin]] [[underline]] March 3 [[/underline]] 1912 [[/margin]] (Sunday) A very restful day
Planned Pergola ^[[for Snug Rock]] and tree planting.
[[margin]] March 4. 1912 [[/margin]] Busy all morning dictating then to New York met [[red underline]] Demuth, he says he is ready now [[/red underline]] and will place new order. Interview with Thurlow relative interference testimony. Then to N.Y athletic club to meet Hasslacher, Hecht his son, [[Hamman?]] and [[Baus?]]. The latter
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[in pencil]] 167 [[/in pencil]]
makes heavy company.
Motored Hasslacher home  
It snows. arrived home very tired, excruciating pain on right foot on account of narrow shoe.
[[margin]] March 5. [[/margin]] Felt tired all day but dictated letters. To night Celine and myself motored to St. Regis. [[red underline]] Dinner of Hecht [[/red underline]]
How foolish all these dinners. simply makes you eat more than is good and murders one time and shortens sleeping hours.
[[red vertical line in left margin from "How foolish" to "shortens sleeping hours"]]
[[margin]] March 6. [[/margin]] Away early to board Directors meeting. William Creevey ^[[Creevey]] & Hasslacher there. Yearly statement read [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] Lunched with [[red underline]] Ralph [[Lubrich?]] [[/red underline]]
[[vertical red line in left margin from "Directors" to "Hasslacher there."
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