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[[in pencil]] 178
Got up badly rested. Motored to Pa station for [[red underline]] Philada [[/red underline]] to lecture. this afternoon. Lunched at Bellevue - Stratford then went to College of Pharmacy. Rather old shabbily kept place. Met Prof. Le Wall a certain Dr. Loeb and another chap and Dr. Sam. [[Sadtler?]]. Lectured before a large audience of students and quite some guests - matters went well. Then Dr. Geo Rosengarten came with his auto, drove me to his club. Took dinner there, about 8 in party then drove to University Pa. Lecture room of chemistry. Good [[strikethrough]] audience [[/strikethrough]] attendance.
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[[in pencil]] 179
Got through with my lecture in about one hour. Things went very well. No hitch. Then [[red underline]] Rosengarten [[/red underline]] drove me to hotel. Stayed up talking things over with Carl Hering who just got Doctors honorary degree. of U. of Pa. Listened to music. to bed at about 12:30 P.M.
March 23. Took 11 AM train for New York. Went to mtg of trustees of Am. Electrochemical Society at [[red underline]] Roebers [[/red underline]] office. [[red underline]] Richards, Roeber & [[Tucker?]] [[/red underline]] there. Then home. Found rooms stripped for painters and paper hangers. Feel very tired. Went to bed at 7. P.M.
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