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others. They took supper there 
I went to Martin's. Meeting of [[red underline]] Inventors Guild. Frank Sprague new member present. [[/red underline]]
Pupin and Peter Cooper Hewitt present. Bradley not. Animated discussion We agreed that Court of Patent appeals is the thing.  I did a lot of talking and found quite some sympathy. Left after 11 [[underlined superscript]] 30 [[/underlined superscript]] took 11 [[underlined superscript]] 55 [[/underlined superscript]] 
March 30. Here all day.
March 31. (Sunday). [[red underline]] DeMuth [[/red underline]] and his foreman and [[red underline]] superintendents here [[/red underline]] to see treatment of pipe stems with acetic anhydride. Seem to
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be well pleased except with some shortcomings which cause percentage of waste.  Lewis drove them back about 12 [[underlined superscript]] 30 [[/underlined superscript]] P.M to Van Cortland.
More applicants for chauffeur. Beautiful day. In afternoon I drove over Stearns alone to Dobb's Ferry to fetch the children at Middlebrook's. Celine and Nina are sleeping in Spare Room while their room is being painted.
April 1. 1912. [[red underline]] New chauffeur Charles Welmeyer here on trial. [[/red underline]] I went to N.Y afternoon. met Hageman in office and spent one
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