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[[note in margin]] [[symbol of a circle with a cross on top]] [[/note in margin]]
of stock to which it is entitled as per agreement. Hageman came in and I retrieved the ^[[hand]] written description of his process of hypochlorous acid for the treatment of plants as a spray etc.
Back with 5 [[underlined superscript]] 50 [[/underlined superscript]] P.M. found Dr. Peter at home Revised his patent and kept general discussion about Vaygouny situation until 10.P.M. Charge 3 hours ($30 [[underlined superscript]] 00 [[/underlined superscript]]) to Royal Baking Powder Co.
[[note in margin]] [[symbol of circle with cross on top]] $30 [[underlined superscript]] 00 [[/underlined superscript]] [[/note in margin]]
Brought a sample of [[red underline]] Doll's hand [[/red underline]] made with Bakelite composition. Slept poorly. Got up middle of night to correct my correspondence
April 10. A hurried morning dictating and preparing for my trip to
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[[red underline]] Chicago. [[/red underline]] Left with motor car about 4.P.M. Returned to [[Rose?]] & Hubbard two new Madelin shoes 36" x 5" which they should credit me with No receipt. Left also two shoes 34" x 4" in excellent condition from my former car. - [[black underline]] no receipt. [[/black underline]]
Left also two tubes 36" x 4" to be repaired. Gave receipt to Lewis 
Westchester Electric Equipment Company have had a fire. Mr. Fletcher tells me my shoe 36" x 5" and my two tubes which are burnt will be made good 
Took 5 [[underlined superscript]] 30 [[/underlined superscript]] ^[[P.M]] train. "Wolverine" excellent train. all steel cars smooth riding. Slept poorly
April 11. Sunny warm weather. Train two hours late arrived [[red underline]] Chicago [[/red underline]] about 4 PM Went to [[red underline]] Sherman [[/red underline]] Hotel.
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