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May 4. At home all day.
May 5 (Sunday) Engaged Albert Dubiel as chauffeur Afternoon Ralph [[Lubvich?]] and Eric Hecht here. went out with motor car. Rain on evening
May 6. In Yonkers all morning 
On afternoon interview Porter-Cox-Peter for reframing claims of Vaygouny European patents.
2 hours. $20.00
Evening supper at chemists Club.
[[note in margin]] [[symbol of circle with cross on top]] $20.00 [[/note in margin]]
May 7. Busy all day dictating
Dr Peter came afternoon till 9:45 P.M. rewriting french and german text.
5 hours=$50.00
[[note in margin]] [[symbol of circle with cross above it]] $50.00 [[/note in margin]]
May 8. Rain rain rain.
Spent evening George sho-
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wing lantern slides with new lantern
May 9 Home all morning to NY afternoon to meet De Muth. Celine has meeting of suffragists in Snug Rock. Rain showers. Supper at chemists club. then meeting Committee professional Ethics of Institute chemical Engineers. Started framing code of Ethics.
May 10. Home [[strikethrough]] all day [[/strikethrough]] morning met Seabury at chemists club at 2 P. M to discuss matters of Bosch. At 4:50 P.M. meeting. Executive Committee International Congress.  Evening meeting. Am. Chemical Society.  Met Dr. Walter [[Felt?]]. 
May 11. Home all day. - Afternoon went out alone with Stearns motor car. Bowman at Snug Rock for supper.
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