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pleased with my elastic samples.
In evening Swan here for supper.  Talked over business matters.  Is willing to renew his contract.
May 22.  At 11 [[superscript, underlined]] 30 [[/superscript, underlined]] drove to N.Y. with Albert Dubiel, bought him new kaki chauffers coat then went to bank to fetch 6 bonds B.R.T. 4's conv.
then lunch Chemists club Then went to Bosch Magnet Co. had short interview with Klein, Heinz and Wild.  They seem eager to do
business with Boonton and received me very well.  Drove home with Celine from 42d St. station.
May 23.  Man from Redmond
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vacuum cleaner here this morning and demonstrated his machine which I bought.
Went to [[red underline]] Edward & Adams [[/red underline]] to talk about [[red underline]] Williams [[success?]] [[/red underline]] He was very nice and told me he had spoken to George G. Ward of Commercial Cable Co. about it.  I cabled to Williams that Ward arrives in London about June 1.
Delivered 6 bonds to T.L. [[?]] & Co. then to office of G.B. Co. Took supper with Mr. Cramer who
[[margin note]] # $10.00 [[/margin note]]
is placing stock of Hooker Electrochemical Co. (charge 2 hours)
Then to Chemists Club and home at 11 [[superscript, underlined]] 19 [[/superscript, underlined]] P.M.
May 24.  Home all day.  Very  warm.  Celine had several ladies for lunch.  Evening 
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