Viewing page 17 of 93

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[[pencil notation in left margin]] 28
Evening meeting [[red underline]] Inventors Guild at Delmonico's. [[/red underline]] Dr. [[red underline]] Weston [[/red underline]] there but fell [[red underline]] asleep [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] snored [[/red underline]]. Long discussion of Leonards resolution to abolish interferences. Cooper Hewitt like usually on the hesitating side. Leonard drove me to Cortland in his motor car.
[[in margin]] June 1. [[/in margin]] Beautiful restful day. Dictated all morning signed papers for interference action against Duranoid & Hardmann & Wright. Afternoon went to [[red underline]] wedding of Miss Evans with Nina. [[/red underline]] Brought the Dr. Armstrong, his wife and daughter, The Baskervilles. Toch and wife
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[pencil notation in left margin]] 29
and Dr & Mrs. Horne to Snug Rock, for supper. Jolly party. Took the Armstrongs at 9:30  to Mount Vernon.
[[in margin]] June 2. [[/in margin]](Sunday) [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] has [[red underline]] tonsilitis [[/red underline]] since several days. Is in bed again to day. Restful day. Very hot. Violent storm at night
[[in margin]] June 3. [[/in margin]] Cooler to day. Drew up new contract of [[red underline]] DeMuth
May [[/red underline]] announces [[red underline]] 20 barrels for Westinghouse [[/red underline]]. Spent most of my day revising contract. [[red underline]] De Muth [[/red underline]] and writing comments on [[red underline]] annual report of Bakelite Gesellschaft [[/red underline]]. Breezy clear day.
[[in margin]] June 4. [[/in margin]] Here all day.
[[end page]]

Transcription Notes:
I really don't think the last sentence on the first page is transcribed correctly but I have no idea what it is. Everything in that sentence was correct except it isn't took and his wife, it's Toch = Maximilian Toch, a close friend of LHB. HK