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[[in pencil, left margin]] 32 [[/in pencil, left margin]]
Later met Dr. [[red underline]] Hans Goldsmith Heroult, [[Rohrer?]] at restaurant [[/red underline]] of Chemists Club.
Home 11:55 P.M
June 8. Home all day. cold bright weather.  Afternoon went to [[red underline]] Hooker [[/red undeline]] in Greenwich with Celine and stayed for supper. [[red underline]] Hooker [[/red undeline]] is all absorbed in [[red underline]] Roosevelt campaign [[/red underline]]. Expensive alterations on his country place.  This is [[red underline]] expensive simplicity! [[/red underline]] 
Seems self-conscious and restless. On coming back lost our way and got into fearfully bad roads.
June 9. (Sunday) Home all day. Quiet restful. Evening [[red underline]] Seabury [[/red underline]] came to talk over matter of [[red underline]] Remy [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] Bosch [[/red underline]]
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[[in margin]] 33 [[/in margin]]  
Says [[red underline]] Remy [[/red underline]] will start deliveries by July 1. of [[red underline]] 5000 magnetos a [[/red underline]] day.
June 10. Busy all morning.  Afternoon went to office then supper at Chemists Club.  Stayed overnight.  Pennsylvania Room.
June 11  Slept poorly.  Took 8:00 AM train with [[red underline]] Swan [[/red underline]] for [[red underline]] Hartford [[/red underline]].  Beautiful weather.  Hatch and Buell of [[red underline]] Johns Spratt [[overwritten with a "P," making it Johns Pratt]] Co [[/red underline]] received us very well. seemed well disposed toward Bakelite.  Big plant well organized and seems prosperous.  Took us in motor car to Golf Club pleasant lunch etc. Very hearty reception.  Took train afternoon to Springfield visited [[red underline]] Bosch Magneto [[/red underline]]
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