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factory.  Imposing building Well received by Mr Wild
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the manager. Showed us whole plant, showed test flare of magnetos. Several [[red underline]] Bakelite magnetos [[/red underline]] going. Sent us with his automobile to Hotel. Excellent hotel.  Left on evening train for Pittsfield. Slept at Hotel Wendell. Pittsfield seems a pretty place to live in.
June 12. Up early.  Walked with [[red underline]] Swan [[/red underline]] to [[red underline]] G. E. works [[/red underline]].  Met there [[red underline]] Gifford [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] Woodside [[/red underline]] one Clarmayor.  They took me thru the plant. then to lunch at Maplewood. inn. Was shown some coils of arc lamps which
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had purposefully been overloaded so as to compare heat test with ordinary lacquer.  Both were burnt out and impregnation destroyed because heat was too high; told them to repeat experiment at somewhat lower temperatures.  Was then shown some comparative figures between [[red underline]] Bakelite No. 6 [[/red underline]] and new impregnatory compound of [[red underline]] Condensite Co. [[/red underline]] ours are only slightly lower.  This is due to fact that condensite was heated in ovens and that ours still contains some free cresol etc. I found out the fact that [[red underline]] condensite [[/red underline]] offers to sell lower than any of our prices.  Except [[red underline]] Gifford [[/red underline]] I believe there is some
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