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tendency of favoring [[red underline]] Condensite [[/red underline]] Felt tired and left our hotel at about 6 [[superscript, underlined]] 30 [[/superscript, underlined]] PM with train for Boston.  Arrived there at 11 P.M. and went to Touraine Hotel much crowded difficulty to find room.  Slept fairly well and
June 13. Early left for [[red underline]] Lynn ^[[G. E.]] [[/red underline]] where I met Mr. Fish brother of Frederic C. Fish.  Very courteous his assistant Hall took me around plant showed me their different department.  Went to laboratory of [[red underline]] Dr. Weintraub. [[/red underline]] He showed me two quart bottle
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containing lumps of [[black underline]] pure [[/black underline]] boron ^[[boron]].  Showed me also two specimens of induction motors cast entirely of electrolytic copper.  Short visit to lamp department where I saw [[red underline]] solenoids [[/red underline]] impregnated with [[red underline]] Bakelite [[/red underline]].  There seems to be a generally friendly spirit.  Took lunch at work. Afternoon Mr. Hall drove us in motor car all along the coast, Salem, Beverly etc. [[strikethrough]] Beau [[/strikethrough]] charming scenery.  Came back to Boston and called at [[red underline]] A. D. Little's [[/red underline]] office Short chat about [[red underline]] Sternberg [[/red underline]] etc. Evening Swan and
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