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[[red underline]] berg matter. [[/red underline]] He seems to agree with me.  Then remained 
[[in margin]] 44 [[/in margin]] 
for supper and appeared before membership committee Rowley, Whitaker and Bowman and gave them the facts I have at hand now.  This serves to settle the matter.  Whitaker tells me that [[red underline]] Schweitzer [[/red underline]] is nagging him to know why Sternberg is rejected.
June 21 & 22 Remained home dictating all day.  went to bed early. 
June 23 Warm day. [[red underline]] Rossi [[/red underline]] 
[[in margin]] (Sunday) [[/in margin]] 
here all day talking over factory matters and gave him general outline for [[red underline]] [[counting?]] machine for [[/red underline]] paper. After supper drove him to 23d street with Celine, Nina George and bessie.
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June 24. There all morning 
at 4 P.M met [[red underline]] Hyatt [[/red underline]] and 
[[in margin]] 45 [[/in margin]] 
Burroughs at office.  who brought samples of [[red underline]] Bakelite Billard balls [[/red underline]] and came to discuss term for exclusive license.
Then I went to Chemists Club for supper.  home with late train.
June 25. Busy here all day dictating
June 26. Brickenstein and Townsend arrived here early before 9 A M conference all day about [[red underline]] infringement suit [[/red underline]]. remained for supper and then to Pa station at 10 [[superscript, underlined]] 45 [[/superscript, underlined]] P. M.
June 27. Here all day dictating
nice cool weather.
June 28. Home all day dictating 
Nina at Middlebrooks helping Mrs. M. at housework. [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] working at Kerr's boat
News of [[red and black underline]] interference [[/red and black underline]] [[red underline]] Aylsworth [[/red underline]] that examiner decides [[red underline]] in our favor [[/red underline]]
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