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[[in margin]] 46 [[/in margin]] 
June 29. Very warm day.
[[red underline]] De Muth [[/red underline]]. Feuerbach and [[red underline]] De Muths [[/red underline]] manager here. all afternoon. General discussion of situation. No conclusion reached.
Gear lever of car is broken.
Violent thunderstorm.
June 30. Beautiful clear cool weather. Peacefully serene. [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] packing his bags for [[red underline]] canoeing [[/red underline]] expedition 
Spent whole sunday in a contemplative restful mood. ^Dr. Horne came here for supper. 
[[double underline]] July 1 [[/double underline]]. [[underline]] 1912 [[/underline]] Another clear cool day. [[red underline]] All the servant girls leave to day. New ones come in. [[/red underline]] Busy all day dictating like usually
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July 2. Another clear and cool day 
Towards evening went to office to meet Hasslacher Took supper at his house.
He is alone. Talked over De Muth. question. Went home by midnight.
July 3. Up very early [[strikethrough]] has [[/strikethrough]] poorly rested. Left with [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] Nina [[/red underline]] by early train 6:23. from Greystone to Middlebrooks. There duffle bags and other camp parapharnelia all ready [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] and Bradley carried the bags to the canoe. [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] carried his heavy load like a man. and was foot sure like a cat along steep sandy path. About 8 AM everything in their canoe
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