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preliminary draft of [[red underline]] Code of Ethics [[/red underline]]. Baskerville's candidature debated. Whitaker and myself for. McKenna [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] against without animosity. Frerichs against too. Others did not commit themselves. [[Minor?]] wrote strong letter for. I finally recommended deferring action until we hear from Baskerville as to engineering qualifications
Car came at 5 [[superscript, underlined]] 30 [[/superscript, underlined]] P.M and we went all three for supper at Claremont.
July 10. Remained home. Evening [[red underline]] Dr. Frerichs [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] Dr. Fay [[/red underline]] came for supper and stayed over night
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July 11. Motored [[red underline]] Frerichs [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] Fay [[/red underline]] to New York about 10 AM.
Brought Dr. [[red underline]] Parker McIlhiney [[/red underline]] to my laboratory in motor car to confer about work for him in [[red underline]] patent suit [[/red underline]]. He stayed for supper. Violent Rain and Thunderstorm. First rain since nearly a month.
July 12. Here all day dictating. Celine and Nina to Rye during afternoon.
July 13. Here all day. Warm day
[[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] wrote about his trip. Arrived at Raquette seems to get along well with Ken's Guide
July 14. (Sunday). Restful day. Most of it spent in hammock reading Life of Darwin. 
Wrote beginning of my paper for [[red underline]] International Congress [[/red underline]] 
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