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[[red underline]] on Condensation Products of Phenols and formaldehyde. [[/red underline]] Nina and Celine playing cards at evening under newly installed electric lamp in piazza.
July 15. Went to office to meet [[red underline]] Cohoe [[/red underline]] to sign new agreement
He tells me will meet me to morrow at chemists Club with [[red underline]] V. D. Linde [[/red underline]]
Then to meeting of Presidents at Chemists Club. Lunch there. Session till 4 P.M 
Then took Bancroft, Cushman, Parsons, Hesse and [[red underline]] Ellis [[/red underline]] all in motor car to [[red underline]] Snug Rock. [[/red underline]] Celine and Nina away to the Loeb's in Jersey. Very hot weather
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All stayed here till 11. P.M. Drove them back to chemists Club. 
July 16. Very hot weather. [[strikethrough]] Afternoon [[/strikethrough]] At noon went to meet [[red underline]] Cohoe [[/red underline]] and V.D. Linde and May at Chemists Club. V.D. Linde not there. Cohoe says it is his (Cohoe's) misunderstanding. He signs and says V.D. Linde has seen contract and letter and is satisfied and will sign tomorrow or some other day this week. Went with [[red underline]] Cohoe [[/red underline]] to Lusitania. [[strikethrough]] Then [[/strikethrough]] Fearfully hot. Took omnibus 130 street then went across River with Ferry boat to take walk along Palisades. Came back by 42 st. Ferry 
Supper at Mouquin's then walked to Chemists Club. found meeting of weekly dinner party. 
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