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Aug. 3. Here all day 
^[[Nina has been unusually impudent to me]]
Aug 4. Evans and Mrs. Evans here for lunch.
Came Dr. v.d.Linde and his wife and [[red underline]] Mills [[/red underline]] in the motor car to tell me [[red underline]] Camden Plastics [[/red underline]] limited is in financial troubles. lack of money to continue the business etc. asks my assistance & that of our company
Told him would submit matter to our directors.
Aug 5. Mills went to Perth Amboy. [[red underline]] Disquieting [[/red underline]] news from Simmons that [[red underline]] lacquer does not last. [[/red underline]]
Jones gone there.
Swan shows me better
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molded pieces with new plastic [[red underline]] condensite [[/red underline]] and shows our material inferior in regard of ease of molding and tendency to blister.
Celine went away with Steamer ^[[Steamer]] to Boston - [[Anninoquan?]]
Evening Supper at Club
Aug 6. At 2 P.M met [[red underline]] Mills [[/red underline]] at office. Told him Hasslacher ^[[nor myself]] does not see any good reason why we should add to our burdens and complications by financing their business.
^[[Glenn]] Williamson also at office says is ready to go ahead if we will make arrangement with him.
[[red underline]] May [[/red underline]] wanted [[red underline]] $5000 [[/red underline]] salary. told him
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