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66 That is out of the question now. but will give him $500 in addition to his given salary and then start anew with $3500 which seemed to please him.
Took supper at Chemists Club.
Aug 7. Leaving early to [[underlined]] board of directors meeting. [[strikethrough]] Will[[/strikethrough]] Peters, Crevey[[?]], Foersterling and Hasslacher [[/underlined]] there. Hasslacher reports we have shipped and sold [[underlined]] $19.400[[/underlined]] last month. Balance of year shows only progress of about [[underlined]] $1800. which to me is very disappointing.[[/underlined]] I calculated it should be at [[underlined]] least $8000.[[/underlined]]
[[in margin vertically]] Met[[?]] at Chemists Club. He ws full and supported Schweitzer etc
[[/in margin vertically]]
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67 Discussed matter of financial aid to [[underlined]] Cohoe [[/underlined]] and v d. Lende. Everybody is against it specially Peters. Took supper at Club
Aug 8. At noon went to Chemists Club, lunch with Townsend and Thurlow. We discussed future notion in pending patent matters. Went to buy evening Clothes at Brokaws.
Took supper at Club then went to Penn station train for Pittsburgh. Slept little or nothing
Aug 9 ( Friday) arrived at Pittsburgh. Rainy sultry day. [[underlined]] Much trouble here in every direction [[/strikethrough]][[?]] tubes do not stick well and wrinkle and cause much loss thru uncertainty. Complain
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Transcription Notes:
Thurlow is LHB's assistant. HK Took the time to look up Brokaw's clothing store on Google. Please try Google with any questions about what something is. Thanks, HK