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Aug 21. Sticky sultry weather unpleasant. Dictated all morning. Many telephone calls etc. Visit of editor of national Biography etc etc.
All tiresome, irritating!
Went to Chemists Club on evening for supper. Met there [[red underline]] Prof. Rassow [[/red underline]], looks like a [[red underline]] real petty prussian. [[/red underline]] Hasslacher there too with [[red underline]] Dr. Pfleger. [[/red underline]] Celine telephones me the news that [[red underline]] Remy [[/red underline]] gave order for [[red underline]] twenty five tons of No 150 Almost too good to be true [[/red underline]] 
[[note in margin next to preceding sentence]] [[Two red exclamation marks]] [[/note in margin]]
Took 8 [[superscript, underlined]] 00 [[/superscript, underlined]] P.M train for Niagara
Aug.22. Arrived at [[red underline]] Hooker [[/red underline]] Electrochemical Co early. Then continuous conference about [[red underline]] Marsh [[/red underline]] cell till evening
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We all agree that the cell conceived by Marsh appears [[undeniable?]] improvement on former design of Townsend cell. except the foreman and [[Forazzio?]] who like usually are conservative and do not realize the advantages by lower cost and lower voltage. Went all together to Prospect House for supper. Discussion of [[red underline]] Roosevelt, [[/red underline]] single tax etc. I discover that [[red underline]] Albert Hooker is a single taxer. [[/red underline]] The others know nothing about it. I feel very tired. Trolly car stalled near bridge. rain. I arrived at Clifton Hotel about midnight dead-tired. Poor sleep.
Aug. 23. Up early. At hotel met [[red underline]] Duisburg, [[/red underline]] his wife daughter and a certain Mrs. Schultze. Went with them to our works showed 
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