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wonderful woman and this little feat has much added to her popularity. We drove together to her hotel and after accompanying her to her room I went to University CLub. She seemed to feel very happy. So do I. She was the handsomest woman of all present notwithstanding her 45 years!
Sept 13. Up late. Went to final meeting at College of City of New York. sat on platform next to Prof [[red underline]] [[Ruddi?]][[/red underline]] of Padua. Met Nichols like usually presides well and in an easy going self-
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possessed manner.
[[red underline]] Aulard [[/red underline]] a belgian delegate made a little speech in french in which he remarked that what struck him specially on his first visit in this country was not to see everywhere loafing soldiers in the streets and that this explains why human energy and effort seems to accomplish more here than in Europe. The next Congress will take place in [[red underline]] Russia [[/red underline]]. Nichols said he could not well pronounce the russian names. Hurried to lunch at Chemists Club then took [[red underline]] Mrs. Lindet [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] to Baseball game. Quite some confusion there with
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