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[[146 written in pencil in left margin]]
to fetch Dr. & Mrs. [[red underline]] Lebach [[/red underline]] to [[red underline]] S.S. Amerika [[/red underline]]. Magnificent steamer. Palm garden etc. Met there Dr. Cramer of Scheide Anstalt. Also [[red underline]] Dr. Hönigsberger [[/red underline]] of Viewegg & sohn Took him & Pietruski in my car to Snug Rock. Sent him back to station but took [[red underline]] Pietruski [[/red underline]] to Nyack - (Hotel St. George) then Palisades etc. Then I went to Trustee mtg of Chemists Club to report about memorial day for Loeb. Home at midnight.
Oct. 18. Another beautiful day. Got cable [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] comes by [[red underline]] Zeeland.[[/red underline]]
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Busy [[strikethrough]] dictatin [[/strikethrough]] dictating all day. Evening went to NY to meet Grieff. But not in.
Went for supper to University Club then saw play: Woman haters. home with 11:20 P.M.
Oct 19. Dictated letters. Then a certain Mr. Crawly a newspaper man came here to tell me I had been elected to become member of New York Press club. Told him I did not desire to join new club. Took him to NY with my car and took lunch at University Club with him. Went to Chemists Club, took [[red underline]] Hesse [[/red underline]] to Abbey Inn told him my paper was published in Whitakers paper. Then went to fetch [[red underline]] Greiff [[/red underline]] and his son in law
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