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[[margin note]] [[symbol #]] 4 hour $20.00[[/margin note]]
[[black underline]] Sunday Oct 27. [[/black underline]] 
Magnificent weather. Spent [[red underline]] some hours on Hookers book. [[/red underline]] Then came Hesse and Love on their way to [[red underline]] Zinssers [[/red underline]]. Went with them along aqueduct as far as Hastings. Was back for lunch. Then worked some more on [[red underline]] Hookers book. [[/red underline]] then came Duggan then Hesse and Love and they took cold supper here. Took them back in auto to the Club and was back shortly before midnight.
[[black underline]] Oct. 28. [[/black underline]] [[red underline]] Celine's [[/red underline]] steamer is announced for tomorrow. Very very busy day with many things. Felt very tired towards evening. Dentist about noon
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Oct 29. Slept poorly. Got awakened shortly after 5 AM by that confounded Western Union Telegraph Co repeating news I had read 24 hours since in NY Herald namely that steamer "was sighted." Busy all morning till 11:30 AM then with [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] Nina [[/red underline]]  motored to steamer in Hoboken. Arrived just in time to see steamer arrive. After customs formalities etc. all motored back home. Feel very tired.
Oct 30. Early to New York to meet Townsend at Fish's office. Talked with Fish and Townsend  from 10 A.M. till noon. [[red underline]] Fish and Townsend both favor a compromise altho' Town [[red underline]]
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