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him two more samples. Thus far tests for surface leakage in damp weather gave about equal results for [[red underline]] Condensite [[/red underline]] and for [[red underline]] Bakelite [[/red underline]]. Went to Cushman's laboratory. to talk to him and to show him why time has not arrived for a systematic campaign for using [[red underline]] Bakelite [[/red underline]] on [[red underline]] cement [[/red underline]]. Took lunch at Willard Hotel then nap. then to Townsends office. Took supper at Cafe Republique. Then to Chases ^[[Vaudeville show]]
Nov 9. Went to Townsends office for further talk Took lunch at Ebbit Hotel then took nap. and evening
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went for supper at Ebbit House [[strikethrough]] after [[new?]] vaude [[/strikethrough]]
Nov 10. (Sunday) Read at Club all morning. At noon went for lunch at [[red underline]] Cushman's [[/red underline]] house. Pretty prosperous looking house well situated. His wife does not feel well [[strikethrough]] Took [[/strikethrough]] so did not appear and excused herself. His two children at table. Two butlers with brass buttons. At 4 P.M. he drove me to town in his electric automobile. Arrived in Yonkers about 11 P.M.
Nov 11 Very busy day dictating all day my conclusions concerning our prospective contract with [[red underline]] condensate [[/red underline]]
Sent copy of some special delivery to Hasslacher
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Transcription Notes:
Chase's vaudeville shows found on Google. HK