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[[stamp on left hand corner]] 10  
[underlined] 1888    
Bk   Page
Oct. 22  8  113  New York City  Berkeley Ath. Club House
No. 0. Time Piece
No. 1202.
Oct. 22  8   80  Galveston, Texas.  City Hall
No 2 striker, Grav Esc & Comp Pend.
No 1264.
Oct. 26  8   115  Joliet,Ills.    Well Cty Ct. House
No. 2 striker, Grav Esc & Comp Pend
No. 1203. 
Oct. 27  8    82  Watertown, Mass.  Unitarian Church
No. 2 striker
No. 1204 (4 sets new gilt fig & dots,
4 sets 6' 3" hands regilded 8/15, '00)
Oct 29   8    41  Portland, Oregon  Court House.
No 1 striker
No 1278
Nov. 8    8    89  Bridgeport, Conn. Court House.
No 2 Striker, gas reg, 4-5' sec. dials
No. 1260.
Nov. 13   8   119  Stafford Springs Conn. Cong. Church
No 1 Striker 
√ No. 1305