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[[stamp top left]] 170
[[centered page title]] 1900
Oct 9 16 458 Richmond, Va. Union Theological Seminary
1 Ground plate glass dial 3'6" dia. with dial works and hands for #0 Striker
Oct. 9 16 471 Chelsea, Mass. Central Cong'l Church
1 # 1 Timepiece for 4 dials 5 feet dia.
[[written in margin]] 45
Oct. 13 16 455 Eldora, Iowa Hardin Co. Court House.
1 # 2 Striker with gravity escapement and compensated pendulum, with time dial; with 4 wooden dials 9' dia.
Or. #1944
[[written in margin]] 46
Oct. 23 16 438 Barre, Mass. [[added in pencil]] H. A. Pevear
1 # 0 Striker with 4 wooden dials 4 feet dia. (over all), silencing devire on str. side
[[written in margin]] 47
Oct. 26 16 482 Augusta, Ken. Augusta Graded Schools.
1 # 0 Special Striker for 4 dials 5 feet dia. 
[[written in margin]] 48
Nov. 2. 16 450 Cincinnati, O. St. Paul's R.C. Church.
1 # 2 Quarter Striker for 4 dials 6 feet dia. time dial on movement (str. ding dong three quarters)
[[written in margin]] 49
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