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August. 5th 1890
New York Office
ship to C. Feigenspan
Freeman St. Brewery
Newark N.J.
[[right margin]]56[[/right margin]]
1 - No 2 Time Part Tower Clock with
4 sectional dials, each 8ft. dia.
set up, we do no carpenters work.
for $850.00
(same price as quoted by Thomas on their #7 with sectional dials)
[[margin]] Sept. 17 [[/margin]]
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August 1/6 '1890
William Senter & Co
51 Exchange St.
Portland. Me.
1 No 20. Movement, fitted to hands sent.
complete ready for case. dial is 3/4" thick.
charge .25 ex. paid.
[[margin]] Aug 7 [[/margin]]
[[diagonal line through this entry, crossing from upper left to lower right]]
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Aug. 6/7. 1890
New York Office
Ship to G. W. Russell
Philadelphia Penna.
R.R or Stmr.
1 No 20 Clock 24in.
wanted in a rush
[[diagonal line through this entry, crossing from lower left to upper right]]
[[written on diagonal]] countermanded Aug. 12. 1890. [[/written on diagonal]]