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[[preprinted]] 25 [[/preprinted]]

May. 12.1897
Employees Norfolk Brewery
1 #59 Clock 8" Walnut, same to be lettered delivered and put up at 25 Howard St. May 14th
price net #30.00 paid
letter  Employees Norfolk Brewery
Peter S. Dowd.
[[margin, stamped]] Chg'd MAY__^[[14]] 1897 [[/margin]]
[[line across page]]

May. 12.1897
[[margin]] #665 [[/margin]]
Boston Office
1 #20 Case 24" - no movement no dial. l 7.50
[[margin, stamped]] Chg'd MAY__^[[18]] 1897 [[/margin]]
[[line across page]]

May. 14
J. Warner Hutchins, 13 So. 8th Street
Philadelphia Penna
1 #86 Regulator, silv ara dial, in dark cherry case
list 115.
[[check mark]]
[[margin, stamped]] Chg'd JUN__^[[11]] 1897 [[/margin]]
[[line across page]]

May. 15.
[[margin]] #666 [[/margin]]
Boston Office
ship to Newtowne Club, Massachusetts Ave
North Cambridge
c/o J.F. Bacon. Jeweler. 1857 Mass Ave.
1 #21 Clock 24in.  price #60. -20%
[[margin, stamped]] Chg'd MAY__^[[17]] 1897 [[/margin]]
[[line across page]]

May 15.1897
[[margin]] #667 [[/margin]]
Boston Office   T.J. Balfe 258 Bdy So. B.
ship to  Peninsula Hotel
E 6th St between P & Q Sts So Boston
1 #17 Clock 24", with dial lettered
Presented to
Jas P. McShane
by his friends
May. 18.1897
[[margin, stamped]] Chg'd MAY__^[[18]] 1897 [[/margin]]