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July 22nd. 1898.
Ordered by:-
Dr. C.G. Weld  81 Mason Bldg.  Boston. 
(Telp. 3331 "Boston")
Chg: """"[[dittos for: Dr. C.G. Weld]]
Fit marine clock with dial in the brass stand left at factory & arrange with a movable indicator hand on the glass over dial.
All work must be cased weatherproof.
Would like it the 28th or 29th as steamer will be ready to sail.
(Dr. Weld sent to factory by Mr Snow.)
[[margin, stamped]] Chg'd JUL 28 1898 [[/margin]]
[[line across page]]

July 22nd 1898.
[[margin]] #2402 [[/margin]] 
Chg- [[strikethrough]] N.Y.O. [[/strikethrough]] U.S. Treasury Dept. 
Mark:- Custodian. New U.S. Post office  
Washington.  D.C.
2 #70 Clocks, oak    $24.00
(Bills to be made out on Government blanks)
[[margin,stamped]] Chg'd AUG 3- 1898 [[/margin]]
[[line across page]]

July 22nd 1898.
[[margin]] #2403 [[/margin]] 
Chg:- U.S. Treasury Dept. 
Mark:- Custodian. U.S. Custom House  
c/o N.Y.O.  New York.
1 #70 Clock, oak   $12.00
(Bill on Govt. blanks.)
[[margin,stamped]] Chg'd AUG 3- 1898 [[/margin]]
[[line across page]]