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[[heading]] 1884. New York Office - Orders. [[/heading]]
[[margin]] Jany 12 [[/margin]]
for N.Y. Office
1 O.F. Hall Striking Clock.
[[margin]] T. [[/margin]]
[[margin, underlined]] Feby 16 B.S. 16th [[/margin]]
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[[margin]] Jany. 12 [[/margin]] 
From N.Y. Office 
for Custodian 
Court House & P.O. Philadelphia
25 Clocks, like sketch #1 - in Mahogany Case. 
3 #60 Regulators - 25 @ 21.- 525.-
Regulators - Merc. Pend. & Jeweled Pallets 3 @ 185.-  555.-
Freight prepaid.
[[margin]] T. [[/margin]]
[[margin, underlined]] Mar 19th B.S. 20th [[/margin]]
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[[margin]] Jany. 12 [[/margin]]
From N.Y. Office 
for Custodian Custom House, 
St. Louis, Mo.
42 Clocks like sketch #1, in Mahogany Case
3 #60 Regulators.
42 @ 21.00   882.-
Regulators with Merc. Pend. & Jeweled Pallets. - 3 @ 185.-   555.-
Freight prepaid. 
[[margin]] T. [[/margin]]
[[margin, underlined]] B.S. April 12th [[/margin]]
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[[line across the page]]

Jany. 14th
Order from N.Y. Office. 
Cust. Court House & P.O. Topeka, Kas.
14 #70 Clocks, 12 inch
2 #60 Regulators, Mercurial Pendulum, Jeweled Pallets
[[margin]] T. [[/margin]]
[[margin, underlined]] Feby 7 B.S. 7th [[/margin]]
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Jany. 14th
Order from N.Y. Office 
for N.Y. Produce Exchange Safe Dep. Vaults
1 Watch Clock, for 2 Watchmen.
6 Stations. & Battery
Case to be of Rock Maple, finished in a rub down polish,
Style of Case to be as near like furniture as possible.
(See Drawings sent) Wanted soon as possible. 
Send stations in about a week.
Delivered & set up. Price - nett - $300.-
Promised to be delivered Feby. 1.
[[margin]] T. [[/margin]]
[[margin, underlined]] Feby. 1 B.S. Feby 9 [[/margin]]
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