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[[heading]] 1884. New York Office - Orders. [[/heading]]
Dec 22d 
Order from N.Y. Office 
for T. S. & J.D. Negus, New York.
Ship to N.Y. Office,
1 Astronomical Regulator, in a special case.
12 in. dial with hour circle lettered as cut in catalogue (3-6-9-12--21-01). Movement to be mounted on iron backboard.
Gravity Escpt., Jeweled Pallets, Merc. Pend., 4 Jars. Compensation to be extra fine. 
Have T.S. & J.D. Negus painted on dial. Electric connection. $575.- Less 20%. 
Case to be about $50.- extra. Will let us know about case and electric connections later on. 
[[margin]] T. [[/margin]]
[[margin,underlined]] B.S. Feby. 28th [[/margin,underlined]]
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Dec 31st
Ship to N.Y. Office 
for Stephen D. Hatch, Archt.
for Murray Hill Hotel.
1 Gallery Movt. to wind and regulate from front. 1 - 17 7/8 in. ground Glass Dial, 1/4 in. thick. Figs. & Hands to be black, and Hands to be of [[underlined]] solid wood. [[/underlined]]
Dial is to be fastened to Movt. by 4 Posts, and must be set 3 1/4 in. away from Movt. Have Hands set as close to Dial as possible, the outside of Centre Post about 3/4 in. away from same. Don't have balance rods put on hands. Wanted as soon as possible. Promised in about 2 weeks. 
Price $80.- net. 
[[margin]] T. [[/margin]]
[[margin, underlined]] B.S. Jany 27th [[/margin]]
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