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[[heading]] 1885. Boston Office - Orders. [[/heading]]
Jany. 1st
Ship to Naumkeag Steam Cotton Co.
Salem  Mass.
1 #72 Regulator, 14in. [[insertion]] Cherry Case [[/insertion]] $100.- Less 10%
via Merritt & Co. freight.
Ordered by E.F. Baldr, Agt.
[[margin, underlined]] Jany. 10th B.S. 12th [[/margin]]
[[margin]] T. [[/margin]]
[[diagonal line through this entry, crossing from upper left to lower right]]
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Jany. 2d
Order from J.E. Caldwell & Co.
902 Chestnut St. Phila.
1 #58 Clock, 10in. Oak Case. Case to be light colored & a handsome grain.
1 #58 Clock, 10in. Red Mahogany Case dark finish. Both cases to have a plain rub down finish & not polished.
Dial of Oak clock to be plain & distinct.
[[margin]] T. [[/margin]]
[[margin, underlined]] Jany. 3d B.S. 5th [[/margin]]
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Jany 2d.
Order from Providence Electric Supply Co.
Given by Geo. H. Adams, Agt.
Ship to Owen Bros. Atlantic Mills, Prov. R.I.
1 Watch Clock for 4 Watchmen           450.-
24 Stations  @ $5.-                    120.-
Programme Attachment [[strikethrough]]  50.- [[/strikethrough]]
[[insertion]] 510. [[/insertion]]      -----
Less 20%                               124.-
[[margin]] Jany. 7th [[/margin]]
18 Stations additional        90.-
2 W.M. to have 15 Stations each
[[margin]] T. [[/margin]]
[[margin, underlined]] B.S. Jany. 16th [[/margin]]
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Jany. 3d.
Ship 4 Tower Standards, as follows