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[[heading]] 1885.  Boston Office - Orders [[/heading]]
Aug. 13th
Ship to E.I. Merrill & S.C. Belcher, Farmington, Me.
1 #2 Striking Tower Clock
Number of dials - 4
Diam. ""[[dittos for: of dials]] 5ft.
Thickness ""[[dittos for: of dials]] outside 2 boards - 9in.
Square of tower - 8ft. 8in.
Dials above or below clock floor - above
Bell """[[dittos for: above or below clock]]  above
""""[[dittos for: Bell above or below]] dials   below
Weight of bell - 1200 lbs.
Hands & figs. to be gilt
for Franklin County Court House.
Tower rises from centre of building.
From attic floor to centre of dial - 31ft. 6in.
"""" [[dittos for: From attic floor to]] top of bell deck - 20 "[[ditto for: ft.]] 6 "[[ditto for: in.]]
Put up.   $500.-
[[insertion]] To be in Farmington inside of 60 days with man to supt. setting up 
$50.- com. to E.J. Merrill [[/insertion]]
[[margin]] Oct. 7th [[/margin]]
[[margin, underlined]] B.S. Nov. 11th [[/margin]]
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Aug. 12th
Riggs & Bro. Philadelphia,
1 #37 Watch Clock, one pull $75.-
Soon as possible.   Less 25%.
[[margin, underlined]] B.S. Sept. 16th [[/margin]]
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[[line across the page]]

Aug. 17th
Pack & ship to Mr. Lino Montalvo,
Cienfuegos, Cuba.
c/o M.R.J. Jova
via Ward Line S.S.
1 W.C. for 1 Watchman, Reg. Movt. 200.-
12 Stations                        60.-
1 Battery                          15.-
Bill low on account of duty.
He has paid us full price as per circular of Tower Clocks &c.
[[insertion]] Billed 20% disc. [[/insertion]]
[[margin]] Sept. 12th [[/margin]]
[[margin, underlined]] B.S. 14th [[/margin]]
[[diagonal line through this entry, crossing from upper left to lower right]]