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[[preprinted]] 222 [[/preprinted]]
[[margin]] 1882 [[/margin]]  ---Boston Office----
[[margin,underlined]] May 23/82 [[/margin,underlined]]
April 27th 1882 - 
2 Synchronizers the exact pattern of one furnished (English) with an
estimate of the cost to them, when furnished by the hundred - 
Standard Time Co.  New Haven, Conn. ordered by L. Waldo.
[[diagonal line drawn across above order, from upper left to lower right]]
[[horizontal line drawn across page]]
[[margin,underlined]] Aug. 18/82 [[/margin,underlined]]
April 27th 1882 - 
Record Instrument to be applied to clock they now have - 
10 Stations for same - 
Wires - 
Man at 5.00 per day to attach & put up - 
Winchester Repeating Arms Co.  New Haven, Conn.
[[diagonal line drawn across above order, from upper left to lower right]]
[[horizontal line drawn across page]]
[[margin,underlined]] May 3/82 [[/margin,underlined]]
April 28th 1882 - 
1 No. 39 Clock. 
Geo. H. Ford.  New Haven, Conn.
[[diagonal line drawn across above order, from upper left to lower right]]
[[horizontal line drawn across page]]
[[margin,underlined]] May 16/82 [[/margin,underlined]]
May 5th 1882 - 
7 W.C. Stations Nos 4-5-6-7-8-9 & 11 - 
Union Pacific Ry (K.D.)  Armstrong, Kansas. Care Storekeeper.
Send by Pacific Express
[[diagonal line drawn across above order, from upper left to lower right]]
[[horizontal line drawn across page]]
[[margin,underlined]] Shpd. May 22.82 [[/margin,underlined]]
May 5th 1882 - 
1 No. 10 Clock. (not packed.)
Boston Office
[[diagonal line drawn across above order, from upper left to lower right]]