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[[heading]] 1882 Boston Office - Orders - [[/heading]]
Sept. 25th 1882 -
Major [[insertion]] T.B. [[/insertion]] Fergu [[strikethrough]] r [[/strikethrough]] son.
Washington. D.C.
1 #0 Tower Time Piece -
for 1 dial -                                                                   125.00
[[insertion]] Extra for Case & dial -. Case Oak or Ash - [[/insertion]]
6 [[overwrites 7]] Electric Dials     $30.  [[insertion]] Six [[/insertion]]   210.00
Battery for 7 "[[ditto for: Dials]]     8.                                      56.00
Extra for Case - 
(See 257th Page)
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Sept. 25th 1882 -
T.A. Smith. Director of Smiths Observatory.
Beloit. Wis.
1 Astronomical Clock. - duplicate of the one made for E.S. Holden, Madison. Wis. with changes made as stated in letter. dated Sept. 9th 1882 - Mr Carr has it -
Price - net - $375.00
To be delivered Jan 1st/83 or before -
[[margin, underlined]] Jan. 6/83 [[/margin]]
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Sept. 28th 1882 -
Kattelle Bros. & Morrill.
Boston. Mass
2 #2 Clock Movts. ^[[insertion]] fitted [[/insertion]] with hands furnished -
Pendulum, Weight & Cord.  Price $15.00
Less 20%
[[margin, underlined]] Oct. 7/82 [[/margin]]
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Sept. 29th 1882 -
Boston Office.
5 #70 Clocks. 12 inch dial - [[underlined]] Ash Cases [[/underlined]] -
Front Panel of glass, to be painted [[underlined]] black. [[/underlined]] with a gilt stripe around the pendulum hole -
wanted inside two weeks -
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Sept. 30th 1882.
Winona Paper Co.
Holyoke, Mass.
1 #58 Clock. 8 inch dial.
Oak Case
Price $45.00
[[margin]] Countermanded (H) [[/margin]]
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