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Mar 31    Commonwealth Trust Co.    Boston, Mass.
29/4469  1 - WatchClock for 1 ivm - oak case - 12" time dial - door recorder
          9 - Stations finished #4 Bronze
          3     "      flush pattern, with plates finished #4 Bronze

Mar 30    Pamlico River Lumber Co.    New York City
29/4472    1-12 Key Portable Clock "The Standard"

Apr 5    Massachusetts Cotton Mills    Lovrell, Mass.
29/4481    1 - L.He. Recording Instrument, with extension of rod
           and bar, and brass dial to add to a 6 ivm regulator clock

May 6    Union Utilities Co.    Morgantown, W.Va.
29/4510    1 - 6 Station Standard Portable Watch Clock

May 13    Lancaster Mills    Clinton, Mass.
29/4522    1 - R.He. Recording Instrument to go on their 3 ivm
           Regulator Clock making it 4 ivm
           16 - Stations

May 17    The Stanley Co.    Salem, Mass.
29/4524    1 - Magneto Recorder Watch Clock oak case
           5 - Magnets and door recorder mounted
           5 - Magnetos usual wood casings
           16 - Station Record Dial