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Mar. 5    The U.S. Aluminum Co.    New Kensington, Pa.
31/5653    1 Magneto Recorder Watch Clock in plain
           oak case 43 3/4 x 21 3/4 x 6 1/2" with 40 magnets and (10 added 3-6-16)
           Door Recorder mounted on 50 Sta. 48h. frame,
           12 of the magnets specially wound higher resistance
           so that their old magnets will operate them
           28 (10 added) - 3 Bar Magnetos in stamped steel casings
           50 Station 48 x 24h. Record Sheets.

Apr. 18    Watervleit Arsenal    Green Island, N.Y.
31/5704    1 Magneto Recorder Watch Clock with
           30 Sta. 24h. frame, with Door Recorder and
           30 Magnets mounted in usual oak casings

Apr. 27    Black Hawk Coal Co.    Black Hawk, Utah
31/5714    1 6 Station "Standard" Portable Clock

May 2    Smithsonian Inst. U.S. Natl. Museum    Washington, D.C.
31/5719    1 Regulator Magneto Watch Clock with
           16" Time Dial, #89 Movt. in O.S. oak case, fitted with
           30 Sta. frame with 30 Magnets and Door Recorder
           mounted (2 of the magnets for battery use) and
           arranged with frame length for 48h Records but
           specially geared to run the 48h distance in 24 hrs.
           Special Records.  24.3 Bar Generators in stamped steel casings