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[[preprinted]] SUNDAY, JANUARY 28, 1866. [[/preprinted]]
Morning fair and clear. Go up to Dr. Canfields get his tenaculum and spend the day cleaning and Packing shells. Powers Brittain and Walker get ready to go to Salinas or Watsonville. Go up to the Courthouse with Walker. They start off about ten A.M. After dinner go down to Dr. Blankmans and spend the evening. Joe gives me two specimens of Calliostoma supragranosa a very rare and beautiful shell one of carpenters new species. Walls is going to do mischief if the old Dr. dont wake up. So go the world.

[[preprinted]] MONDAY 29 [[/preprinted]] 
Morning. Put my boxes of shells aboard the schooner also my old coat & blankets. Pack up to leave tomorrow. Go up to the chinatown beach with Dwight Parsons. Back to dinner with him. After dinner pack up my valise. Go up to Doctor Canfields and remain sometime.
Back to supper and in the evening (get Lillies photograph) spend the evening a the old Blankmans. Walls gone to Natividad.

[[preprinted]] TUESDAY 30 [[/preprinted]]
Morning fair. After breakfast Pack up my things, Pay Harris twenty dollars, take my baggage over to Dr Canfields. Get the antelope paper from him. Go down with my baggage to the schooner. Go aboard, get dinner and about 4 oclock haul off into the bay. About seven Captain Josslyn comes aboard and we set sail for San Francisco. A chinaman three sailors, a farmer with his grain and Lambert the whaling Captain at Monterey, passengers.
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[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY, January 31, 1866. [[/preprinted]]
Morning, early off Santa Cruz head, very little wind and cloudy with some rain. Make Point Pedro by dark. No chance of getting in at this rate before Friday. Chinaman curled up, apparently dead. Bunk with the Captain. Turn in early.

[[preprinted]] THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1 [[/preprinted]]
Morning cloudy rainy and no wind. Beating of San Francisco North head all day. Don't get in in the daytide and have to wait at anchor on the potatoe patch for the night tide which turns about seven. Lose the small anchor by parting of the chain. Anchor within 200 yards of the dock. Turn in early and sleep soundly.

[[preprinted]] FRIDAY 2 [[/preprinted]]
Morning, early after breakfast go ashore and up to the Geological Survey Rooms. Meet Low on the steps. Go up to Stearns' office, Telegraph office, Col Bulkleys room who has heard from Baird and gives me the letter to read. B to meet Low, go down and see some magnificent pieces of coral. Pick out a lot from Low. Take baggage up to Geological Rooms. Meet Stearns 2nd at office, up to Lows to lunch, get a lot of letters. Down to office at 3. Down to ship to dine. Ev'g call on Scammon Bolander & Stearn.

Transcription Notes:
En'g = short for engaged or Ev'g = short for evening Should be Dr Canfield