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[[preprinted]] SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1866. [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Go down town early. Go to the Survey Rooms, unpack shells and wait for Cooper. Look over shells with him and find some interesting things. Stearns, Bolander, Dr. Kellogg & Prof. Whitney come in. At twelve go up to Stearns office and meet Stearns 2nd and put off excursion for a short time. Back to Survey Rooms, work till 4 P.M. when I start for the ship meeting Capt. Scammon by the way. Get down just in time for dinner. Evening rainy, write and arrange room.

[[preprinted]] SUNDAY 4 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Dress and go down to the Occidental. Wait some time and see Col. Bulkley and talk over the plans for the coming season, promotion, and whales. Give him Bairds letter and Ounga Island estimates down to church, am invited Thurdsay to Capt. Hoyts. Go down to see Wright, and Whymper. Go up to Mr. Lows and get lunch and corals, send them to the South Park, down aboard, back to Mr Lows to dinner, spend some time there. He goes to church and I go down to the Klinkofströms. Hugh Ritchie is dead.

[[preprinted]] MONDAY 5 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Down town with Jared Norton early. Get my hair cut, call at Stearns office and go down to the Survey Rooms. Work away at the shells all day till three o'clock in the afternoon. Stearns came in, and Copper and we discuss shells and Carpenter. Go round to Dr. Kelloggs who goes with me to Mr Laceys who has made up my suit of Vol I and II of Cal. Acad. Sci. except 4 pps and it is at the binders. Meet Laborn and stop at the office and see Whymper. Down to the Gate and in the evening go up with Black. Call at Mrs de Ros and spend the evening.
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[[preprinted]] TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1866. [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Down town late, meet Capt. Scammon and go to Hubbards and thence to Stearns office after letters. Leave shells at Geological rooms and then up to the Co's. office but the Captain isn't there; back to Survey rooms. Work till a quarter of 4 at shells, Cooper assisting. Stearns came in during the morning. After dinner work at shells till seven and then go up town with Mr. Davison. Go up to George Adams' fathers store and talk with him for some time and then go round to Mrs. Bracketts and spend the remainder of the evening.

[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY 7 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Down town with Jared Norton. Stop at the office, no chance of getting any money. Stop at Stearns office. Go down to Geological Survey Room Condense Canfields Antelope paper. Work over the shells. Chas. Stearns, & R.E.C. come in. Blakes attack will not be published. Up to the office at three. Down to the vessel with Jared Norton After dinner write to mother, up town to Captain Scammons where we pass the evening with Capt Dearborn, talking over matters & things.

[[preprinted]] THURSDAY 8 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Dress and go down town. Stop at office no money. Go into Stearns office and borrow $5.00 Down to Survey Rooms. Work all the morning on shells Cooper and Mrs. Cooper come in. About three, start up town. Get bound copy of Cal. Ac. Proc. from the binders. Get a pair of gloves. Walk down to the vessel part way with Laborn. Dress & go up to the captains, and after a short delay .. go out with him and wife to a bridal party of Miss Bullene now Mrs. Whittemore, at Capt Hoyts. Have a jolly good time.

Transcription Notes:
Dr. Kellogg is Dr. A. Kellogg Dr Canfield