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[[preprinted]] THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1866. [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Down town. Call at Dr Ayres who postpones the fish work till tomorrow. Ride down to the postoffice with him. Go down & stir up the alcohol man. 
Down to the office of Survey, calling at our office and on Stearns'. Work over Trask's Septosiagon plate, write to Elliott and copy part of the Cal. Acad. Proc. Maj. Williamson comes in. Up town meeting Miss Noyes and down to ship. Evening walk up town with Black, call at Mr. Lows. Ames is out. Call at Mrs Bracketts where they have a dancing party. Go down to Mrs Hapgoods, play euchre and spend evening.

[[preprinted]] FRIDAY 16 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Down town and call at the Captains to enquire about the attack on Charley by some ruffian on the bridge. Down to Mission Street Wharf and take a look at the Wright which is refitting magnificently. Lee Walker aboard there. Call at the office, at Stearns office, and write to mother encl. photo of Davison. 
Go up to Dr. Ayres' to lunch and pass the afternoon in repacking and labelling a barrel of fish which has been standing for nearly ten years. Take dinner there and go down to the Consuls in the Even.

[[preprinted]] SATURDAY 17 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Get things together and go down town. Into Stearns office and go down to see Prof. Whitney about fish. At eleven oclock go over to Dr. Newcombs, and meet the Consul on the boat. Spend the morning with the Doctor who gives me Hauleys [[Hon?]] of the Tellinidae. Stearns and Rowell come over. 
Go back on the 4 oclock boat just catching the cars. Up to Stearns' to dinner and call at Mrs. de Ros and spend an hour in the evening. Down aboard. Read M. Ryans theory of Parallels, a hum!
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[[preprinted]] SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1866. [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Dress and go down town. Stop at Mr. Lows for a few minutes and walk down to church with him and Mrs. Low. Mr Ames preaches better than usual. 
Back to Mr Lows after church with Mrs Low, and meet a Mrs Thornberg. Take lunch there and spend part of the afternoon. Go down to Captain Noyes' to dinner. Mrs. Noyes is much better. Wendte is there. after tea walk down to Taylor Street with him and call on Mrs. Whittemore who is out. Go up to Stearns house and spend the evening there. 

[[preprinted]] MONDAY 19 [[/preprinted]]
Down town, see Norcross about straps, which have been made with no end of mistakes. Down to Hubbard no letters. See man about kegs. Take pamphlets to Whitney Dr. Newcome comes in and examines some shells and selects some from my Monterey collections. Go up to Dr. Ayres' and transfer the fishes into a smaller keg and have it headed up. Take lunch there and calling at Stearns' office down to Survey Rooms. Evening ride out with Mr. & Mrs. Scammon and Mr. Pillsbury to Capt Hoyts to make a party call; and returning call on Mrs. Whittemore and her husband and talk over dancing &c

[[preprinted]] TUESDAY 20 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Down to the Captains read paper, call at the Hotel, see Col. Bulkley, give him Sci. outfit list, mention about Kennicotts letters and Conway to him. In to the office, in to see Stearns, down to Survey Rooms and copy in to Acad. Proc. at noon go to lunch with Stearns, see Kellogg about drawings, meet Taylor, go down and see Wendte about Fricks books. Write to Canfield. Get straps at last from Norcross. Ev. Up for Miss Hapgood down to Lunts Hall and dance all the evening. Go home with her having had a good time & down to ship - 

Transcription Notes:
Trask = John B. Trask Canfield = Dr Canfield Tellinidae