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[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1866. [[/preprinted]]
Morning. After breakfast down with Black to Capt. Scammon's, who is out then down the office where we meet him, and I have a little talk on Company matters.
Get an order from the Col. for the microscope and take it down to the Survey rooms. Leave books at Bosquis to be bound. Call on Stearns and go to lunch with him down town. Call on Cutter (out), Dr. Kellogg, see Lancey, call again on Bosqui, down to Survey Rooms. Prof. Whitney goes to Sacramento leaving the key with me. Evening. Call on Capt. Scammon (see Lane of the Behring) Ames at the Consuls and follow them up to Mrs de Ro's. 

[[preprinted]] THURSDAY 22 [[/preprinted]]
Washingtons birthday. At sunrise have the Gate dressed in a full suit of bunting, from bobstay, to spanker boom. Clara Bell & fleet also dressed as far as they had flags. At noon fire a salute when Col. B. & a small party visit the fleet. Down town, call on Lorquin and get a few Mediterranean shells. Call on Basqui and show him my pictures. Down to Survey Rooms and color the plates of my Cal. Acad. Proc. Up to south Park and take the ladies down on board the Gate where we see the boat race. Up to dinner at the Consuls and in the evening go up and call on John Lewis. 865. Mission

[[preprinted]] FRIDAY 23 [[/preprinted]]
Morning down town with [[Starr?]] Pollock . Call at office, on Stearns and name some shells. Call and get letters at Hubbards. Down to Survey Rooms. Call on Whymper at his room. Out to Capt. Scammons and leave a photo for Capt. Dearborn. Take the Mission cars to to hunt up Dr. Fricks family who have moved in town. Call on Mrs Hoyt and meet Mrs M'Dowell and Mrs Drum who invite me to call at Black Point. Call on Mrs Bridges and then down to dinner aboard. Evening call on Mr. Stebbins, Mrs. Denison and Mrs Taylor & aboard late.
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[[preprinted]] SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1866. [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Down town early. Stop at the office. Call in at Stearns' office discuss our drunken Presidents speech. Down to Soune and Bacons and make arrangements for printing 100 copies of memorial of Bridges for Mrs. B.
Down to Rowland, Walker & Co's to inquire if the Sitka ship has yet arrived and find she is at the Sandwich Islands. Go up to the Survey Rooms, where I find Bolander. Write letters all day. Stearns comes in - Get letter & paper at Hubbards. Evening, go up on the hill and call on the Lows & Mr. Ames. Go down to the Odd fellows library with him and back. 

[[preprinted]] SUNDAY 25 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Down to church and sit with Capt Noyes. Mr. Stebbins preached a political sermon and a pretty good one, hitting our drunken President pretty hard sometimes. Down to see the Col, who is out. Call at Capt. Scammons and spend a half hour. Round to Capt Noyes, and show Mrs. N. the sketches by Whymper.
Up to Mr. Lows to dinner. Mrs Thomberg & her child being there. After dinner go down to the Consuls show them the sketches, and also Capt. Sandman and Miss de Ro, who were there. Aboard early. Today has been a very pleasant day though cloudy.

[[preprinted]] MONDAY 26 [[/preprinted]]
Morning dress myself, and go down town. Stop at Dr. Ayres'. Find Tommy Newcome there, his mother is quite sick. Get photograph &c of fish. go down to Cols. room to ask about photos, then to office where I find the Captains flag book &c Stop in to see Stearns and down to Survey Rooms. Up to Dr. Ayres pack sundries in box take lunch. Keg to Sam H. down to Survey Rooms, write. Take box to Hubbards. Leave instruments at Captains. Down aboard. Rains. In the evening down to Stearns'; go to Rowells house find him out, return and spend the evening with Stearns.