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[[preprinted]] MONDAY, MARCH 5, 1866. [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Work at shells. Down to the Colonel's room but he is not up, and Harry reports him in a savage humor having been roused too early ; so I don't stay. Step in to see Stearns for a few minutes. Down to the Survey Rooms and work over the shells. Legislators in all the morning. Afternoon, meet Bugbee and look over some drawings with him. Meet Mr. Low who speaks of annoyances and offers help. Down to ship but find that they have had dinner early. Go up to Mr. Lous and stay a little while and then down to Acad. meeting where I present a short paper on Octopus punctatus, Gabb.

[[preprinted]] TUESDAY 6 [[/preprinted]]
Down to the Occidental ; Col. B. gone. Go down with Harry to the office, get permission to have the fishbags made and also net frames and geological hammers. Also get promise of money in afternoon. Call on Stearns, and on Bosqui. Go into Town and Bacons and get an old wood cut. Up to Van Vlecks and get it cut and cleaned. 
Over to the Survey Rooms and draw fig. of teeth. Lunch with Bosqui. Meet Bugbee. Down to vessel late and don't draw my money. Steamer telegraphed. Evening, go to Lunts with Miss Hapgood and pass a pleasant evening. It's a question if I can afford it again.

[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY 7 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Down to the office and get paid off. Go in & pay Stearns what I have borrowed. Down to Hubbards and get letters and package of books. Down to Survey Rooms and open it. Cut out my drawing of the teeth. Down to Van Vlecks and get proof of it and to Bosquis and get books and leave more to be bound. Call at Mr. Stebbins and see Miss Fisher. Evening. Call at the Consuls about book for Mr. Walker. Call to see Ames who leaves for the country Friday. Call at the Captains and go down and see Bosqui. 
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[[preprinted]] THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1866. [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Down town stop at the office but find Lewis away sick. Go down to Hubbards office and find a book from the S.I. Go to Mr. Rankins and meet Dr. Stone who has given my parcel to Hubbard & Stebbins. Get desk of S; meet Dr. Stillman there; down to Survey office and write letters. Stearns comes in. Up to Col. B's room, find Capt. Scammon there. Go down to Pillsburgs with him. Up to Hubbards house and get parcel. Evening, over the bridge with Black, out to Mrs. Lewises, down to Mr Lows to see Ames who goes up country tomorrow. Walk down with him and call on Mrs. Stillman.

[[preprinted]] FRIDAY 9 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Down town, stop at the office; get some more cloth for fishbags; stop at Stearns office for a short time. Down to the Survey Rooms and write letters.
Gates and Alzimora down by the Active. Popes party a fizzle. Call in at Locke and Montagues and see about dredge and seives. Down to the vessel to get pamphlets ready for posting. News that Dr. Fisher goes East by tomorrow steamer.
After dinner down town and post letters and down to the Consuls and pass the evening.

[[preprinted]] SATURDAY 10 [[/preprinted]]
Down town to the office. Dr. F. goes per steamer and the keys of the medicine chest are given to my charge. Call at Stearns office, stop at Bosqui's and at Towne and Bacons. Down to the Survey Rooms and work over Pachy poma. Down to lunch with Stearns and back to office then meet him at T & B's call for Whymper and go out to the Mission and gather wild flowers all the afternoon. Call at Captain Hoyt's stay still dark and by the [[hasscar?]] to Stearns' where I dine and leaving some flowers at the Consuls call on Mrs de Ro.

Transcription Notes:
Towne and Bacons are a printing company