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[[preprinted]] SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 1866.[[/preprinted]]

Morning. Caldwell comes up and reports for duty. Set him at work sorting shell &c. Down town and step into the office see Wright about Caldwell and step into Stearns' office for a few minutes. Down to Locke and Montagues and look over the articles ordered which appear to be all satisfactory and give directions about having them packed. Down to Survey Rooms and work till noon when Stearns comes in and we go to Oakland and call on Dr. Newcomb. Look over shells and stay till 6 oclock Grub at resteraunt and call on Whymper & Hapgoods.

[[preprinted]] SUNDAY 18 [[/preprinted]]

Morning. Dress, bathe, and start down town with Morse. Go to Mr. Stebbins', where we have an excellent sermon on death and good singing. Walk down with Capt. Noyes' to the P.O. and up first street to the Captains. He is out but soon comes in. While there Dr. Tlouraku comes in and soon after Mrs. Klinkofstrom and Mrs Kochkin. Go up to Capt. Noyes' to dine and meet General Wilson and Wendte who goes East to-morrow. After dinner go over the hill and spend the evening at the Consuls who doesn't go to Alameda.

[[preprinted]] MONDAY 19[[/preprinted]]

Morning. Down town, leave clothes with Chinaman. Call in to see the Colonel and get promise that Elliott shall be sent right down. Get introduction to Mr. Keith and carte blanche. See Stearns, Locke & Montague & go into Towne & Bacons and get some paper for tubes. See Tommy Newcomb and go into the Survey office and work over Frochiscus nomissii &c. Into Bosquis and get books which have been bound. Up town meet Stearns. Evening go to Academy meeting and speak of Coopers collections at Santa Cruz & N. Cronkhiteii &c.

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[[preprinted]] TUESDAY, MARCH 20, 1866. [[/preprinted]]

Morning. Down town, into the office, down to Locke and Montagues. Get bill of Hardware. Dredge is charged at extortionate rates. Down to Keith's with the list of drugs &c. Go into Hubbards and find him out. Up to Survey office, meet Dr. Newcomb. Baron Reichthoven has returned. To lunch with Dr. Newcomb and up to Stearns office. Down to the Oakland boat with the Dr. and up to Survey office. Write to Dr. Cooper. Down to Stearns' office and out to Mrs Bridges with Prof Henrys letter. Work over shells with Dora. dine there and in evening up with Miss Hapgood to Lunts

[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY 21 [[/preprinted]]

Morning. Dress, pack up shells &c, for for identification at Dr. Newcombs. Down town after seeing Caldwell and giving him some work for the coming few days. Go to Stearns' office, see Uncle Jim Laidlay and Mr. Tilton. Meet Stearns and go to Hubbards office & get the parcel in which my coat &c came, and then down to Keiths where we talk over the list of articles and smile. By the 11.°15' boat, to Oakland and meet Wicker in the cars. Arrive at Dr. Newcombs meet a Mrs. Corson, and spend the remainder of the day and evening looking over & naming shells.

[[preprinted]] THURSDAY 22 [[/preprinted]]

Morning. Cloudy and dull. After break fast spend most of the morning looking over shells with the Doctor identifying and naming them, especially Achatinellas. In the afternoon the Doctor goes out and leaves me to the shells and books. Evening Tom comes home and after dinner go over the garden and look at the promising plants roses and gladioli. Go over with the Doctor to Prof. W [[superscript underlined]] m [[/superscript underlined]] P. Blakes where we see a lot of shells from Japan &c. spend part of the evening and then return to the Doctors.

Transcription Notes:
Towne & Bacons is a printing company Tips: Please write strikethrough or underlined, when appropriate, in double brackets before and after the word or phrase