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[[strikethrough preprinted]] THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1866 [[/strikethrough preprinted]] see next page 
Today will be found by accident, written under date April 4.

[[line]] WEDNESDAY APRIL 4, 1866 [[line]]
Morning, Down town with Caldwell & Black stop at the office. Down to Hubbards after letters then into Keiths and set Caldwell at work again on the medicine chests.  Work there myself till 12.
Get Books from Towne & Bacon.  See Prof. Whitney, Mr. Porter, Mr. Hanks, &c.  See Stearns. Evening up to the Captains with Davison and Black.  From there to Occidental and spend an hour with Prof. Marcy of Evanston, Ills. and find Smith & Whymper abed.

[[strikethrough preprinted]] FRIDAY 30 [[/strikethrough preprinted]] see next page
Today will be found by accident under date of April 5.

Morning take a boat with Starr & Caldwell and board the Bark Rutgers, and the Onward. get the medicine chest and three Quartermasters boxes.  Down town with Caldwell.  Stop at office Hubbards & Keiths.  Go over the Palmettos chest with Mr. Steele.  Over to Whitney's office & down to ship.  Hear that Olga has
met with a severe accident falling from her horse Up to the house after dinner, find her better.  Down to the ship with Harry & up to Whitneys ab't. moving.

[[preprinted]] SATURDAY 31 [[/preprinted]]
Morning damp and rainy.  Down town with Caldwell and send him to look for rattraps and gun.  Step into the office, then into the Harbor Commissioners & down to Keiths, from there to Survey Rooms, where I work over Monterey shells.  Caldwell reports and Stearns comes in and we post over in the rain to Dr. Newcomb
and look over shells & take dinner there.  Return at 6.20. Engine delays us by busting.  Go up to Whympers room and brush up, and down to the Central Park where I call on Mrs. de Ro and Miss Olga.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[preprinted]] SUNDAY, APRIL 1, 1866. [[/preprinted]]
Easter Sunday, Write and work on board the Gate in the early part of the morning.  Go aboard the Nightingale. Up town, leave eggs at the Consuls.  Call at Mrs. de Ros.  Find she is going to ride; and then walk over to Trinity Church where we have Easter Services and only fair singing. Leave before communion and go over to Mr. Lows where I find Ames who preached today.  Broach my project of amalgamating the Sacramento River bed. Over to Stearns to dinner, and work over some shells with him.  Evening call at the Consuls meet Baron Richthoven and have a very pleasant time.

[[preprinted]] MONDAY 2 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. work over boxes &c with Starr & Caldwell.  Down town to the office, thence to Locke and Montague's, thence to Bradley & Rutofsens and have some photos finished.  Thence to Keiths, Towne and Bacon's and the Survey Rooms where I find Colwell.  Work a short time on shells.  Down to pawnbrokers to look at trap Into Keiths and Stearns office [[By?]] afternoon.  Get glasses at [[last?]] meeting.  Evening Cala. Academy meets. Call at Botanders find him [[strikethrough]] [[ther? ofer?]] [[/strikethrough]] out of town go down and read Coopers paper, acting as Secretary. Bloomer being away Mr. Crofts USA. was there.

[[preprinted]] TUESDAY  3 [[/preprinted]]
Morning, Down town with Caldwell.  Stop at the office.  Wicker compliments me on my work so far. Down to Keiths with books f. wh. I reciept.  Get Caldwell to work systematizing the accounts.  Work most of the morning there and then into Towne and Bacons and up to see the Prof. and talk about the Cal. Ac. Sci.
Back to Keiths. Stearns office up to Lorquins and get some shells.  Down Aboard. Evening. Go up to Miss Hapgoods and find her gone to San José.  Leave pumps at Keiths and go to the "Sheeps Foot" with Baron & the ladies.

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Transcription Notes:
Mrs de Ros has been mentioned often in previous pages.