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[[preprinted]] SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 1866 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Down town, stop at office, Get Buttons, pants and step into Stearns for a little while. Feel sick and miserable from reaction of overwork and last nights medicine Down to Keiths, set Ijams and Fritzzs at work. Meet Mr. Bridge, about rice at  eleven and show it, through the microscope. Meet Stearns at twelve; go up to Academy Rooms which are progressing finely. Down town to lunch up to Survey Rooms afterwards to Payots. Go out to R. B. Woodards fine place at Mission Dolores. Spend the P.M. there with Stearns. Go over to see Mr. Jas. Towne and take dinner with him. Evening Call on the Consuls family.

[[preprinted]] SUNDAY 29 [[/preprinted]] .
Morning. Sleep till half past ten. Feel sick and miserable, which is of no great importance as I have almost finished the medical work. Dress and go down town, too late for church go to Mrs Noyes and spend an hour or two. Up to Mrs Lows to lunch. Meet Mrs. Hinckley there. Down to the Consuls, Mrs Kochkin can't go because it rains. Stay awhile and up to Mrs Lows to dinner. Mrs Church is dead. Get some books for my-self, and for the little girl in Donohues Block. Down to South Park again and spend the Evening. The Consul soon moves to Alameda.

[[preprinted]] MONDAY 30 [[/preprinted]] . 
Morning. Get Caldwell at work on shells and go down town. Stop in at office. No news. Down to Steamer Golden Age to bid Miss Hapgood goodbye Meet Mr. Brackett there; and send drawings home. Call on Pillsbury. Up to office, into see Stearns Down to Keiths, see a Mr. Buhler, and give him a note to Col. Wicker, See Hepburn and name some of his shells for him. Back to Keiths, go over bills &c. Evening. Down town with Labourne, call on Miss Abbott, out to Mrs Lewis' (all out) call on Miss Plummer.
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
[[preprinted]] TUESDAY, MAY 1, 1866 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Get Caldwell at work, painting the chest and over shells. Down town to office. Into Stearns' office and down to Hubbards. Pay my Academy dues which amount to eight dollars, which with what I have given previously makes quite a hole in my purse. Down to Keiths work over bills and get them all footed up. Somewhat less than $1850.00 Finish summary, and report and leave it for the Colonel. Down to ship and in evening go out to the Mission and call on Mrs Bridges, who thinks of going to New Zealand. Very cold and raw today

[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY 2 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Clara Bell, went to sea, bound for Petropavlovsk Went down town leaving Caldwell painting chests and cataloguing shells. Into office, in to see Stearns up into Academy Rooms, Hubbards, and Keiths. Finish bills and inventories of medical stores and hand them in to the office. Up to the Survey office and work over Monterey Shills and Coopers letters. See Prof. Whitney who has some new fossils. Down to ship, getting coat and song books by the way. Evening up to the Plummers and take Miss Josie to Lunts where we have a rather dull evening.

[[preprinted]] THURSDAY 3 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Down town early. Into office, see Wright abt Sci. outfit. Down to Survey Rooms and work over Dr. Coopers paper on California Helices which I get Ijams to copy and send off. Work over my own paper on Californian shells and get well along with that. Stearns comes in and we compare notes on certain shells. King in most of the day. The mysterious stranger who made an appointment at ten this A.M didn't turn up. Steamer in, & letters. Evening call up to the South Park at No.23.

Transcription Notes:
Ambrosia: minor edits. FYI Transcription Centre only requires [[end page]] [[start page]] notations when going from one page to next. Unnecessary at very start or end. Stearns = Robert Edward Carter Stearns Ijams - is the correct spelling of this surname Dall misspells shells as "shills" on Wednesday - TC says not to correct spelling Changed + to &