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[[preprinted]] THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1866. [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Send Caldwell down town with letters. Lower the bookshelf in my room about two inches to admit my larger books. Put up some hooks &c. Down to office, see Stearns, into Keiths up to Dr Kelloggs & Lanceys. In to Survey Rooms, Ashburner there. Work nearly all day correcting blunders in previous copies of Monterey shell papers. Up with Prof. Whitney to Academy Rooms, and round to printers, get proof &c. Into Keiths, and down to the vessel. Evening, walk up with Black, call at Doctor Ayres' and go round and call on Miss Josie.

[[preprinted]] FRIDAY 11 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Work with Ijams (who is a trial!) Frittzs and Caldwell over packing up shells. Get nearly through and after lunch go up town to see about proofs. Go into Keiths, see Cremona, Steele and Rulofsen are off for a tramp in the woods, for a week or two. Up to Dr. Kellogg, get stencil and present bill to Keith. Down to Stearns' office, after going round from Survey office to Towne and Bacon's about proof, and looking at Miss Carmichael's poems. Dine at Stearns' and go up to Whitneys to see about proof with him. Stop at Payots, Keiths & appr. bill of oil at Mrs Ritchies, & ship.

[[preprinted]] SATURDAY 12 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Work with the boys till noon on the boxes of shells and get them finished about two oclock. Go up town, stop for the Captain. ride up to Dr. Kelloggs, Cuss the Conductor for carelessness. Step in and see Bloomer. Up to Survey Rooms see King and Gardner. Down to printing office, meet Bugbee and Bacon. Have haircut and go up to Stearns Dine there. Get a letter from Geo. C. Walker, & one to K. insinuating that my vanity makes me untrustworthy. on account of my horse railroad letter. Call at De Ros.
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[[preprinted]] SUNDAY, MAY 13, 1866 [[/preprinted]]
[[pencil addition, top right hand corner]] Major R. Kennicott Died at Nulato R. AM [[/pencil]]
Morning. Dress and go up town with John Norton. Up to Stearns house. Write to Geo. C. Walker in reply to his note of Apr. 16. Out by the Sutter St. R.R. to the mission and walk out to Mr. Tiltons house where we go over the establishment grounds &c. Take some lunch, get a fine boquet from Tiltons old garden and come into town to Stearns' where I dine. Evening. Down to Occidental, find the Col. out of town. Up to Lows, Mr Ames & Low both back Steamer not in. Down to Mrs Noyes and spend the evening. Find Mrs & Capt. Gibbes there from Arizona

[[preprinted]] MONDAY 14 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Steamer and Dr. Fisher in. Down town stop at office, at occidental and see Col. Bulkley who says somebody has been sent up to take Elliotts place and he thinks he will be down bye & bye. He says not to order boys to report to Dr. Fisher till further orders and authorizes and afterwards approves* my instructions to the captains. See Macondray, Stearns, who gives me a fine pair of oliva porphyria. Down office, See Gabb, Horn, and Brown. Work and write. Round to printers.  * Up to Occidental, down to ship. Evening go out to invite Miss Lewis to the foundry dance & meet the Colonel there.

[[preprinted]] TUESDAY 15 [[/preprinted]]
Morning step into the office and down to Hubbard and Stearns. Get first issue of Chi. Acad. Sci. proceedings very neat. Go to Dr. Painss and have two teeth tinkered. Afterwards Go up to Acad. rooms which look very neatly, now the painting is all done. Shall get books upon the shelves by next meeting. Up to Stearns' to dinner, round to various places for flowers but can't get them. Down to ship, dress and go out to Mrs. Lewis' and take Miss Lewis with John and Miss Whitney to Hanscoms.

Transcription Notes:
Ambrosia: minor edits. Stearns = Robert Edward Carter Stearns Changed + to & Entered space between [[preprinted]] and text to improve searchability