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[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 1866. [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Down town. Meet Miss de Ro. Stop at the office. See Dr. Fisher and turn over the medical Dept. to him in toto. See Stearns. Shall work tomorrow night on Academy books. Down to Survey Rooms. Collect proofs for the last time. Prof. Whitney, Gabb and Ashburner gone. Dr. Horn, and Baron Richthoven in. At 1.30 go to Alameda to visit the Consuls family with the Baron. Return with a fearful cold. Dine with Bugbee. Go out to Mrs. Bridges with Horn and get Nic. beetles.

[[preprinted]] THURSDAY 17 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Set Caldwell at work on small stores Go up town with Capt. Scammon. Meet Jessie de Ro. See Col. Bulkley and get permission to draw paper and pay. See Wright, and Finlay at the office get paper. Up to see Stearns. Down to Survey Rooms write to Walker and Baird, and Sadie. Revise proof. Up to see Stearns again round to Rooms of Acad. Down to Survey Rooms. Caldwell comes down with box of collections. Up to dinner with Stearns. Evening up to Cal. Acad. Rooms with Whitney, Stearns Caldwell and Carpenter and work till ten oclock.

[[preprinted]] FRIDAY 18 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Down town with Caldwell. Into office draw pay. Go up and pay Paine. See Stearns and get note from Macondray. Take keys to lockSmith, see Hubbards. To Survey Rooms, work over shells, see Towne & Bacon about new sheet of Cal. Acad. Proc. &c. Draw Pompholyx effusa on wood and take it round to Van Vlecks to be cut. Down to the ship and in the evening go with the Captain and Mrs Scammon to Mr. Vischers, the Prussian Consul and spend the evening looking at pictures.
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[[preprinted]] SATURDAY, MAY 19, 1866 [[/preprinted]]
Down town with Caldwell. Stop at office. See Stearns and conclude to finish up the Academy business if possible. Down to the rooms and go over the locks. Down to [[strikethrough]] Academy [[/strikethrough]] Survey Rooms. Send the boys out on various errands, and start paper on Pompholyx effusa Lea. Rush round frantically after locks and 'scutcheons for Academy cases. Up to the Rooms, Prof. Whitney, Stearns and Hubbard in, get things into pretty good shape. Get Chenn, of Payot In the evening Go Mr Lows, where I spending the evening, call on Mrs de Ro. Back for night at Lows.

[[preprinted]] SUNDAY 20 [[/preprinted]]
Up to an early breakfast. Letter from Nellie Wilde, Mr. Ames gone to Santa Cruz to stay all summer. His family are not coming out. Down to church, Mr Stebbins preaching on a call of or to the ministry which he don't believe in. Back to Lows to lunch stay all the afternoon and to dinner. After dinner go down to Capt Noyes' Miss Noyes is gone to Santa Cruz. Down to Park but being late, dont call & so down to the bridge meet Capt Scammon & walk over

[[preprinted]] MONDAY 21 [[/preprinted]]
Down town. Go up to Academy Rooms and overlook Carpenter at his work. Prof Whitney comes in. See Stearns and go and buy chairs and spittoons. See Bacon about my paper on shells. Up to Academy Rooms and write and work all day. Finally get things into as good shape as possible, leave and go up to Stearns' to dinner. Down to meeting at 7.30' and have a full and good one. Present my paper on Pompholinae new sub family of mollusc.

Transcription Notes:
Ambrosia: Reviewed pg with minor edits. Stearns = Robert Edward Carter Stearns Towne & Bacon are local printers