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[[preprinted]] SATURDAY, JUNE 9, 1866. [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Go aboard the Onward and see the sick sailors. Down town, stop at office for a few [[strikethrough]] days [[/strikethrough]] minutes. In to see Stearns. Uncle Jim Laidlay in. Down to Academy Rooms and Survey Rooms. See Frittzos and Ijams there, set Frittzos at liberty, pack up remainder of shells. In to lunch with Stearns & meet Bartlett and Warren. Up to Payots, order J. Gwyn Jeffreys new book, Pfeiffers new supplements and Agassiz' Nomenclator, bound heavily. Over to Dr. Newcombs and spend the afternoon. Back by late boat stop at Survey Rooms and call on Lows but all out -

[[preprinted]] SUNDAY 10 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Dress and go over to Alameda, Paul Pry late, Stop at Encinal and with Count Anasof go to the Consuls. Anasof promises to leave orders with the Ispravnik of Kamchatka, to assist me in every way possible Asks in return for the notes of the Sci. Corps! which he will get?! Olga, Charlotte, Jenny, a Mr Diesenbaum [[?]] there [[strikethrough]] [[tris?]] [[/strikethrough]] Back at 5[[superscript]] of [[/superscript]] 5°. Go up town, meet Mr. & Mrs. Low and Miss Edith King. Up to the Noyes then down to church; with Mr & Mrs Low, Mr. Macondray, Mr. Merrill & ladies, round to Mr. Stebbins and stay awhile, then up to Mrs Lows and spend the night.

[[preprinted]] MONDAY 11 [[/preprinted]]
Morning, breakfast and go down to ship. Set Bob to work; down to the office. Ijams there, and says that Dr. Fisher ordered him to report to Evans. See Wicker about it. Go up and see the Col. get thermometers and compass and order for Ijams to return. See him, Lewis, get instruments. Down to Survey Rooms. Meet Mrs Low, and accept her invitation to meet Miss King at her house this evening. Find the Governor there and spend the evening stay all night. 

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[[preprinted]] TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1866 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Breakfast and then down to the ship leave written instructions for Caldwell to work over packing Sci. Stores for the voyage. Down to the office for a few minutes into Harbor Commissioners Room, Laidlay there Stearns & Tilton gone to Ballenas. Down to Survey Rooms, draw up description of [[underlined]] Helix chersinella [[/underlined]], for which Gabb makes me a drawing. Take it Round to Keiths with it. Evening out to Mrs. Bridges, down to ship. Call on Capt. Noyes and find Miss Lizzie out. Call on the Lewises.

[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY 13 [[/preprinted]]
Morning, wait at the ship till ten o'clock. Mrs Low and Miss King come down. We show them over the vessel. After inspecting it, ride over with them by the mission and down town to the Occidental. Then to see Dayley, arrange to go out to Mrs. Bridges tomorrow to dine. Down to Survey Rooms, bid the Professor and Gardener goodbye. Get Telegram from Baird that the Chi. Acad. Sci. is burnt out. My books & collections are probably gone up the spout, with it. Get book from Towne & Bacons. Evening call on Mrs. de Ro, Peter Sather there and Olga. Peter is a little softy.

[[preprinted]] THURSDAY 14 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Send Bob down with shot to exchange. Down town early with pants which I leave at Hagars. Call in at office, into see Laidlay for a moment. Into Hubbards, no letters. Into Hicks and get book. Down to Survey Rooms, meet Caldwell, send boxes &c. down to the ship. Work writing letters and talking with Gabb till five o'clock. Then down to Dayleys office, meet him and ride out to tenth street and make a farewell call on Mrs. Bridges. Dine and play whist till 11 & return

Transcription Notes:
Ambrosia: Reviewed and minor edits. Check Proper names for consistency - Frittzos? Ijams?